全程WHAAAT THEEE FUUUUCK IS THAT??!! 呻吟的排水管、半夜移动的家具、突然回家的腐尸、时隐时现的异次元鬼怪...完全不知道下一秒还会如何神展开太离奇太诡异太邪门了开场浴室戏就很生猛更难得的是这份惊喜一直持续到结束欧美黄色电影在线几乎每处恐怖段落都正中下怀看得太过瘾了
德里达:“In general, I try and distinguish between what one calls the Future and 'l'avenir' (the 'to come').The future is that which—tomorrow,later,next century—will be. There is a future which is predictable, programmed,scheduled,foreseeable. But there is a future, 'l'avenir' which refers to someone who comes whose arrival is totally unexpected."